Wednesday, July 19, 2006


well the first time this term squarly hit me in the face when I was travelling in a bus with Amrita n we passed along a temple.. she just did a naman n I followed the suite.. nothing extra-ordinary .. just that thereafter she commented that she thought I was an atheist.. well that caught me by surprise...
I had never been an ardent believer or otherwise.. Had always been going to temples n used to worship at the temple at our house(we have a Lord Shiva's temple at my place in Patna)..
but that was all when I was a kid..
At my b'day this year, I wanted to go the kaali bari at sec 26 Noida, but more out of more consideration for some person rather than seeing the temple as such..

I mean I really don't kno when was the last time I REALLY went to a temple.. but that doesn't make me an atheist.. rt??
HEs there.. n whtever HE does is for the better..

Am not exactly with the way my life is rt now.. but I think GOD only help them who help themselves..
N the only one responsible for where ever I am today is no one but me only.. I cud ve had been in IIT but I chose the wrong way.. my fault..
anyways am still at a hell lot better place than I worked for.. that I guess is GOD's grace or pure luck..
So its time I mend my ways.. N start off for a new future..

N I seek HIS blessing for that..

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