Monday, July 30, 2007

That's what I am..
Am putting this out now coz someone asked what was I scared of ?
Well, am scared of the days to come..
Theres so much to do and so li'l time..
I hardly know anything and the list of the thins that I suppose I should be doing is..

OK am not putting the list of all that I am supposed to be doing bcoz I dont think that putting up that in public domain is going to help me in any sense..

Am scared..
and its such a lonely boulevard..
But I enjoy this a bit as well..
The solitary reaper..

When I see the people, it aches a lil ..
or rather there's this desire..
But when I see the pains, I think its better to be this way..
Maybe am scared of the pain...
Maybe am scared of it all..
who knows what tomorrow has in store for me..
lets see what happens once we are there...
but can I wait for that day..
or rather I should start working for the days to come...
Lets work...

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